Year: 2016 | Month: December | Volume 3 | Issue 2

Quality Requirement and Standards for Natural Resins and Gums

S. Srivastava A. Roy Chowdhury and Nandkishore Thombare


NRGs are metabolic by-products of plant tissues either in normal course or often as a result of either injury in the bark or wood or disease by insects. Most of the NRGs are plant origin and exudate product from the plant with the exception of lac resin which is secreted by lac insect mainly Kerria lacca. India has wide varieties of trees and plants which exudates Resins and Gums. The natural gums and resins are polymeric, biodegradable and non-toxic in nature. Being biologically originated, they have wide variations in their characteristics and properties. So, quality of the natural resins and gums are to be regulated for application in different sectors. Quality standards of natural resins and gums are to be set by according to national and international regulatory bodies. The quality standards of the natural resins and gums are very useful documents to find their in various novel application areas.

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